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Dimensions3000 x 3300
Original file size4.13 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified12-May-08 18:48
22 - Liberation

22 - Liberation

In the pre-dawn darkness of the months preceding, a new life had been forged, one free of the pain that I had endured my entire life. For the first time ever I slept the Winter away. I slept up to 14 hours at a time and my days were filled with rampant glorious boredom. Am I lazy? Mayhaps, although my compulsiveness leads to marathon bouts of housecleaning. I don't watch all that much TV but I do spend a good amount of time at my computer. I began to draw and write again, and my fantasy world Realspace entered a time of plenty, one it hadn't seen in years.But as Spring came into view, a new threat was looming. My savings were drying up, and after almost half a year, I had still not heard from Social Security. By the time May came around, I was in full panic. I couldn't go back, but I had to, so I began to look for simple jobs like shelf stocking. But most jobs required shifts of four hours or more, three hours more than I could handle being outside the house. As my bank account dwindled to a few hundred dollars, I actually went for an interview at the local Target, where I was turned down. I didn't have enough money to make it one more month.And then, May 19th, 2006, Social Security called.It was over.I was officially free.So here I am!I no longer work or seek work outside little odd jobs, and so I am liberated from social constraints and the crippling fear it brings. In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if pursuing a life in the working world was distracting me from what I was supposed to be doing all along, which is this. Almost all my ailments are in remission and I have never been so content and stable in all my life for so long. Sometimes I feel guilty, about turning my back on the working world but these results are hard to ignore. I suppose this is what they mean when they say you have to lose it all to find it again.Cheers to that, mate!